IGHSPA conference in Montréal, Canada

The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association 4th IGSHPA Research Conference was hosted by Polytechique Montréal in Montréal, Québec, Canada on May 28 to 30, 2024.

There, RECOIN partners BD, GEX, KTH, and PIE presented recent research developments in relation the project. Further, José Acuña (BD) was part of the Executive Scientific Committee, and Peter Bayer (MLU), as well as Alberto Lazzarotto (KTH) were members of the International Scientific Committee of the conference.

The conference proceedings of the 4th IGHSPA Research Conference, containing the contributions of the project partners are available under this link (https://igshpa.org/research-papers/):

  • Gebhardt, H., Soltan Mohammadi, H., Ebert, A., Bott, C., Visser, A., Bayer, P. (2024). High-resolution monitoring and simulation of the temperatures in a borehole heat exchanger field over multiple years. IGSHPA Research Conference, Montréal, May 28-30, 2024.
  • Lazzarotto, A., Basquens, M., Cimmino. M. (2024). A non-history dependent temporal superposition algorithm for the point source solution. IGSHPA Research Conference, Montréal, May 28-30, 2024.