Real-time Control and Tuning of Borehole Heat Exchanger Fields
for Optimal Integration in Heating and Cooling Systems
RECOIN: Echtzeitregelung von Erdwärmesondenfeldern
Erdwärmesondenfelder kombinieren viele einzelne Sonden zur oft umfassenden Versorgung und Speicherung von Wärme und Kälte. Kritisch ist die generell nur ungenügende Überwachung des Betriebs dieser Felder, insbesondere aufgrund der Unsicherheiten in der Beschreibung des Untergrunds und der Entwicklung der tatsächlichen Energielasten. Im Projekt RECOIN wird ein neuartiges Regelungssystem geschaffen, das den bisher weitestgehend unkontrollierten Betrieb solcher Felder überwacht, gezielt Einzelsonden regelt und im Sinne einer optimalen Gesamt-Systemeffizienz anpasst. Die wichtigste Entwicklung des Projekts ist ein flexibles Modellierungs-, Prognose- und Kontrollverfahren, das zur prädikativen Regelung in ein neues Kontrollsystem integriert wird. Im internationalen Konsortium liegt der Forschungsschwerpunkt der deutschen Partner auf der Entwicklung des Regelungsverfahrens, der theoretischen und praktischen Validierung der Modell- und Kontrollwerkzeuge, sowie des Gesamtsystems, das in drei detailliert überwachten Feldstandorten als Prototyp zum Einsatz kommt. In internationaler Zusammenarbeit mit den Partnern aus der Schweiz und Schweden wird die Basis zum flexiblen praktischen Einsatz und zu einer internationalen Verwertung geschaffen.
Setup of a flexible and efficient BHE field simulation (and/or emulation) framework to account for (and learn) heterogeneous geological conditions in the subsurface, for nonuniform groundwater, and for treatment of near-surface effects in ground heat exchanger models.
Setup of a flexible and efficient BHE field simulation (and/or emulation) framework to account for (and learn) heterogeneous geological conditions in the subsurface, for nonuniform groundwater, and for treatment of near-surface effects in ground heat exchanger models.
Development of an algorithm for (nonlinear) model-predictive control of individual BHEs in a field as well as in hybrid configurations together with other heat/cold sources in a network.
Development of an algorithm for (nonlinear) model-predictive control of individual BHEs in a field as well as in hybrid configurations together with other heat/cold sources in a network.
Construction and configuration of a control device for real-time control of BHE field performance.
Construction and configuration of a control device for real-time control of BHE field performance.
Design of a monitoring system and installation coupled with the control device in a BHE field.
Design of a monitoring system and installation coupled with the control device in a BHE field.
Tuning and validation of optimal control procedure at one field site in Switzerland and demonstration at two further BHE fields in Sweden and Germany.
Tuning and validation of optimal control procedure at one field site in Switzerland and demonstration at two further BHE fields in Sweden and Germany.
Evaluation of requirements to achieve full market level and broader potential to improve BHE field and BTES cost-effectiveness on an international scale.
Evaluation of requirements to achieve full market level and broader potential to improve BHE field and BTES cost-effectiveness on an international scale.
We examine and compare methods of performance monitoring by utilizing a unique BHE field site, where several years of in-situ monitoring is available. Long-term performance monitoring data are extremely rare, but at the same time crucial for development of a methodology that is oriented at BHE field and energy operation optimization for decades. We complement the existing site with additional sensors to achieve a high-resolution and accurate picture of the thermal evolution within and around the implemented geothermal device.
We depict thermal conditions in a new semi-analytical modeling tool that combines different co-existing state-of-the-art procedures for BHE field simulation. The fully trained model will serve as the basis for long-term BHE field performance prediction, for analyzing the value of different information sources, sensors, spatial and temporal measurement resolution, as well as for training of a data-based routine to be applied within a control device. The overarching principle is to capture the full complexity of the entire system in time and space in order to find out, based on real data, what the relevant (and minimum amount of) data is for running the controller in the field.
We develop a novel data-based emulator that represents the “model” component of the control unit. This strengthens the digitalization of energy systems and the utilization of artificial intelligence in geothermal applications. The need for often demanding model care by personnel makes their use not robust. By replacing such models with an emulator that processes the most relevant sensor data and that is trained for fast prediction of the entire system state, a new and efficient approach is introduced in practice.
We built an innovative controller device equipped with the emulator-based control algorithm and connected to the monitoring unit. The application of the device unit will be tested, validated and demonstrated and the overall control concept will be also demonstrated to two further BHE fields in Sweden and Germany.
We carry out further simulations with the developed control algorithm in order to extrapolate the applicability of this control method to other geothermal and hybrid systems for heat/cold supply system/network integration. Specifically, an analysis is foreseen on how to enhance performance and reliability of hybrid and groundwater-based heat pump systems, ATES and large-scale collector applications.
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