Consortium Meeting 2023 in Baden

From September 25 to 27, 2023, the RECOIN project partners met at the facilities of PI Electronics AG in Baden (Switzerland).

Besides various presentations on the individual work packages across the different national subprojects, extensive time was allocated for discussions and exchanges in order to realize well progress of RECOIN through close international and interdisciplinary collaboration.

The afternoon of the 26th was further used to visit an important location of the project, the multi-family house with several geothermal borehole heat exchangers in Lausen. There, all the partners were provided with a practical impression of the project’s work. The guided tour by GeoExplorers AG also covered the newly constructed hardware in the basement of the building, as well as its connections to sensors and actuators of the borehole heat exchangers.

Altogether it was a very profitable meeting and an excellent platform for the project partners to build further on. We would like to thank PI Electronics AG for their kind hospitality and we are looking forward to the future developments of RECOIN!